Liverpool Football Club – Tilting at Windmills

Since I was a little boy I have supported Liverpool Football Club. And since becoming a man I made an effort to read Cervantes’ 17th century masterpiece Don Quixote. And sometimes I feel that the team these past few years are a little delusional about how well they’re doing because overall they are now a … More Liverpool Football Club – Tilting at Windmills

Book Review: I Can’t Stay Long by Laurie Lee

In John Milton’s 1637 pastoral elegiac poem Lycidas he finishes off with this rhyming couplet: At last he rose and twitched his mantle blue: Tomorrow to fresh woods, and pastures anew. Laurie Lee, the very name, sounds like whimsy, sounds like the best friend Noddy of Toyland fame would have. I always got mixed up … More Book Review: I Can’t Stay Long by Laurie Lee

Book Review: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

  Ulysses, famously, is the novel everyone says they have read and very few have, and Finnegans Wake, infamously, is the novel that no one has read apart from the Platonic few. I have always felt that I had read F. Scott Fitzgerald’s short novel The Great Gatsby but questioning myself, when I picked it … More Book Review: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald