Article Published on Heroin Use in Dublin

Hi. I’ve had an article I wrote on my experience(s) working in emergency accommodation in Dublin, yes, homeless services, and the use of heroin by the vulnerable residents, published here: Ta. N

On Gobshiterary

Mid-to-late, 2020, Ireland and the whole place is coming down with Gobshites. Absolutely raining down from the eaves and rafters. Whilst Gobshites are busy regaling all asunder with their glorious tales of shithouserary. A Gobshite can be defined as person who talks loudly but says nothing of inherent value or particular logic. Gob, Irish vernacular … More On Gobshiterary

Nepotism & The Mass-Marketable Literary Scene in Ireland

I recall working with a person within the past couple of years who informed me that they had something to do with the Arts in Ireland. That person informed me that they were a big reader. I happen to mention that I was slowly working my way through Joyce’s Ulysses. The person immediately became angry. … More Nepotism & The Mass-Marketable Literary Scene in Ireland